The following plugins are supplied as standard with Geeqie.
Apply the orientation to image content
This command affects only jpeg, tiff and png files. The image file on disk is rotated to the orientation as specified by its Exif Orientation tag.
External commands exiftran, exiv2 and mogrify, are used to implement this command.
This item is displayed in the Edit/Orientation menu.
Camera import
Imports images from an attached camera to the current folder. If a file with the same name already exists it will not be overwritten, and the new image will not be downloaded.
File names on digital cameras are not necessarily unique. In some cases the same file name can exist in more than one sub-folder on the camera. As existing images will not be overwritten, subsequent files of the same name will not be downloaded. In this case a dialog will be shown to warn you of this.
You may use the gphoto2 option --filename option to ensure that all filenames are unique when downloading. Refer to the gphoto2 documentation.
This item is displayed in the Plugins menu.
Exif datetime to file
Sets the file datetime (mtime) to the Exif.Image.DateTimeOriginal value. If the exif tag does not exist, no action is taken.
This may be useful if you wish to sort on Exif.Image.DateTimeOriginal. This requires that the metadata for all files in the folder must be read each time. This is time consuming. If this operation is carried out when images are imported from the camera, future sorting can utilize file datetime which will be much faster.This item is displayed in the Plugins menu.
Export jpeg
Extracts an embedded jpeg from a raw image to a file in the /tmp folder. If you wish to to keep this image, it must be copied or moved.
If jpgicc is installed, the image will be colour-corrected for the currently selected rendering intent.This item is displayed in the Plugins menu.
Image crop
If rectangle coordinates have been set by Edit/Draw Rectangle , a cropped image will be stored in the /tmp folder. If you wish to to keep this image, it must be copied or moved.
This item is displayed in the Plugins and Edit menus.
Open With
Call the standard GTK application chooser for a single file.
This item is also displayed in the File menu.
Random image
Selects and displays a random image from a list of all images in Collections and the currently displayed folder.
This item is displayed in the Plugins menu.
Resize image
Reduce the size of an image.
Resize image options
Option | Meaning |
Required size kB | desired output file size in kilobytes |
Tolerance % | tolerance or allowed size of result greater than desired size expressed as percent of desired |
Max. iterations | maximum number of iterations to stop |
Copy if unchanged | copy to output when not downsizing and no image format change |
Strip metadata | strip all meta data |
Show computation | show the values of each iteration |
Open output file in Geeqie | on successful conversion set Geeqie focus to the file |
This plugin uses the Downsize script. The original may be found here. It is subject to the following copyright:
Copyright © Fred Weinhaus
My scripts are available free of charge for non-commercial (non-profit) use, ONLY.
For use of my scripts in commercial (for-profit) environments
or non-free applications,
please contact me (Fred Weinhaus) for licensing arrangements.
My email address is fmw at alink dot net.
If you:
1) redistribute,
2) incorporate any of these scripts into other free applications or
3) reprogram them in another scripting language, then you must contact me for permission,
especially if the result might be used in a commercial or for-profit environment.
Usage, whether stated or not in the script, is restricted to the above licensing
arrangements. It is also subject, in a subordinate manner, to the ImageMagick license, which
can be found at:
Creates a symbolic link on the selected files. If a file has sidecars, they will also be symlinked.
This item is displayed in the File menu.
Tethered photography
If a camera is connected to the computer via USB, photos taken are immediately downloaded to the current folder and displayed on the computer.
If a file already exists with the same name, it is not overwritten but the download will not take place. Auto-rename can be achieved with the --filename option of gphoto2. In file $HOME/.config/gphoto2/settings , set the option: gphoto2=filename=<see the gphoto2 manual>This item is displayed in the Plugins menu.